
About Us

Welcome to Datta Samajik Seva Trust

Every life born on earth has to fight for living. But in all the living things in the nature, human being is the most intelligent living thing. Obliviously, human being is proud to be so, but there are some people who are not of that type. They don't think on their own.

Datta Apang Sanstha is a charitable organization working for the disabled in Maharashtra. The founder of our organization, Shri. Mohanrov Mali, after seeing the pain and suffering of a person with a disability due to an accidental disability, decided to dedicate the rest of his life to disability service.

Below are some of our more causes we cover

  •  Homeless Charities
  •  Education Charities
  •  Health Charities
  •  Animal Charities
  •  Food Charities
  •  Eco Charities

How you can help us

Just call at +91 9850307597 to make a donation